Leon Hoover with Harvest Time Encounters
Solar Bibles
IIt is with great enthusiasm that I report GEM MISSIONS is currently providing monthly support to 29 different ministries! These ministries range from human trafficking prevention to ministry on Native American reservations, feeding the poor, distributing the Word of God, and teaching and training leaders across the globe. You are a part of every one of these stories of Good News!
Let me highlight one of them: Harvest Time Encounters, led by Leon Hoover, a former GEM staff member. This ministry does incredible work, and one key area where we have partnered with them is in the distribution of Solar Bibles. We have been blessed with favor in this Solar Bible project, raising several thousand dollars to purchase these Bibles, and then sending the Word of God across nations in many different languages.
Additionally, Leon Hoover had 400 Solar Bibles donated to him and is working with a team traveling to Mozambique to see if they can bring them to Northern Mozambique. Their final flight is on a private plane, so they are currently coordinating with the pilot to calculate the weight allowances for the team, their bags, and any extra weight allowance for the Bibles.
Furthermore, GEM used some of your missions funds to purchase 60 Bibles for pastors in Uganda. In mid-October, Leon will travel to Uganda with Jeffrey Thompson, a long-time former GEM staff member and a beloved friend of this ministry. They will attend the graduation of 60 pastors from a 6-month Bible school located northeast of Kampala, in the countryside. Each graduate will receive a copy of the Spirit Filled Study Bible.