Jason Ford, GEM Missions Director
GEM Missions - Sharing the Father’s Heart
For years God Encounters Ministries has had the distinction of having two diverse Expressions of Outreach for the sake of Jesus Christ. These act as opposite arms to one another in the Arm of Martha of Service and the Arm of Mary of Prayer.
It was the ministry of Martha that beckoned Jesus to come her home that allowed Mary to pour out her adoration upon Him. We at GEM desire to see both the ministries of Service and Intimacy brought together releasing the supernatural resurrection power when Jesus called Lazarus forth from death to life. Therefore at GEM MISSIONS, we have the Arm of Service and the Arm of Prayer. Oh let us see this three-ford cord come together once again.
Solar Bibles
Are you looking for good soil to sow a seed of faith? Solar powered Audio Bibles are good soil.
What began as a commemoration of the life of Michal Ann Goll has turned into a larger mission. God Encounters Ministries is raising funds to bring solar-powered audio Bibles to the remote areas of the world.
These Solar Bibles are to be given to leaders of churches and ministries where Harvest Time Encounters with Leon Hoover, and Iris Ministries with Heidi Baker have an ongoing presence and strong community relationships.
Leon, and his wife Paula, have been long time partners with God Encounters Ministries. With Leon’s partnership, we are able to get hundreds – even thousands – of solar powered bibles into the hands of new believers worldwide.
Partnering Together
Once I was given a dream where I was searching for G.E.M.’s. These precious jewels were to be presented to the King of Kings and added to the Lord’s crown. We cannot fulfill this vision alone. I believe that thousands of believers just like you will join us by finding G.E.M.’s for the Lord’s crown.
One way you can help is to become a monthly financial partner or give a one-time donation. Together we can see Jesus Christ “receive the rewards of His suffering.” We would be honored to have you partner with us in this exciting and yet humbling journey where Jesus Christ is crowned Lord of All!